Shopify Help Center
Setting Up BlueCheck's Shopify...

Using BlueCheck With Checkout Extensions (Before Checkout)


Important: These instructions are for doing the verification Before Checkout. This is only possible for stores that are on the Shopify Plus plan. If you would like to use the After Checkout extension or are on a different Shopify plan, please use the After Checkout Instructions.

Configuring BlueCheck in Checkout Extensions For Before Checkout

1.) First navigate to your Shopify checkout settings. In the checkout customization section you should see the checkout that you are using on your store. Click the customize button to make changes.

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2.) Next click on the "Apps" tab of the far right hand sidebar. You should see the BlueCheck app listed under the all tab. Click on the "+" and then add the app block to the Payment page. Do Not add the app block to the Order Status or Thank You pages, as that will cause the app to also perform the verification after checkout.

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3.) Next click on the "Added" tab in the Apps sections and select the BlueCheck app block. Make sure that the "Allow app to block checkout" checkbox is checked. You can also choose to enable the app block in shop pay if you would like to here.

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At this point the setup should be complete. If you click on the "Sections" tab of the far right sidebar, you should see the app block within your checkout flow.