Verification Statuses
The verifications that BlueCheck performs can have different statuses depending on what stage of the verification the end user is in. This page goes over each of the statuses and explains what they mean.
Status | Description |
Approved | This status means that the end user data was successfully verified (confirmed correct) and the end user met the verification requirements of the domain. For example we confirm the user is 25 years old, and the domain requires users to be 21 years or older. |
Failed | This status means that the end user data was either successfully verified and did not meet the domains requirements or we were unable to verify the user's information. For example we confirm the user is 19 years old, and the domain requires users to be 21 years of older. |
Pending | This status means that the verification is currently being performed, for example the users photos are being reviewed or the user needs to submit additional information to complete verification. |
New | This status means that a user is required to complete the verification however they have not yet begun the verification process. |