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Setting Up BlueCheck's Shopify...

Using BlueCheck with Checkout Extensions (After Checkout)


Important: These instructions are for using Shopify checkout extension to perform the verification After Checkout. If you would like to use checkout extensions to perform the verification Before Checkout, please use the Before Checkout instructions.

Configuring BlueCheck in Checkout Extensions For After Checkout

1.) First navigate to your Shopify checkout settings. In the checkout customization section you should see the checkout that you are using on your store. Click the customize button to make changes.

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2.) Next click on the "Apps" tab of the far right hand sidebar. You should see the BlueCheck app listed under the all tab. Click on the "+" and then add the app block to both the Order Status and Thank You page. The app must be added to both the Order Status and Thank You pages to work properly.

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3. If you are switching from the old BlueCheck after checkout solution to the checkout extensions one, you will need to make sure to select that you are using checkout extensions in the BlueCheck app. Go to Settings -> Store in the BlueCheck app, and make sure "Checkout extensions" is selected. Once you save the change you will not be able to revert back. The old version of BlueCheck that does not use checkout extensions is depreciated and will stop working in August 2025 when Shopify stops supporting the checkout.liquid page for the order status and thank you pages. At this point the app should be installed and configured and ready for testing.

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To test place an order on your store using real information. You should be able to place the order without issue, and when you go to your order dashboard the 'Age Verified' tag should be applied to your order.

Next, place an order using fake information that will not generate an automatic match. After you have completed checkout, you will be prompted on the Thank You page and Order Status page to complete verification. You should also receive an email at the email address used during checkout that contains a link to the verification page.